see attached pdf with instructions



  • space bar: switches between fixed camera viewing the cafe and Pandy's pov
  • mouse: Use your mouse to move customers. Click a customer, then drag and drop them to seat them somewhere in the cafe.
  • Q: Press q to interact with objects in the scene. To interact with objects, you must be standing close to the thing you wish to interact with. You can interact with customers (to serve them food/drinks), the pastry case, the coffee machine, and the trash can.
  • arrow keys: move the player around when in Pandy's Pov mode

how to increase customer satisfaction

Customers want their orders served to them in a timely fashion. If you keep them waiting too long, they'll get impatient and become less satisfied. Don't leave them waiting too long, or they'll exit the cafe entirely :( 

You can also get bonuses by seating customers in the way that they like. Certain customers like to be seated with others while some prefer to sit alone. Seating them according to their preferences will boost customer satisfaction.


at the top of the screen, there is the amount of money made, the average satisfaction of the customers within the cafe, and the time remaining in the day.


status: in development


upcoming features

powerups - can purchase power ups with the money you've earned to increase customer satisfaction or help you out in the cafe 

